Sunday, January 29, 2006

The Exorcism of Emily Rose

Crystal and I watched a pretty good scary movie the other day called "The Exorcism of Emily Rose." It is set in a court room because the priest, whom you learn more about later in this post, is on trial for negligent homicide of a freshman college girl who became possessed by demons and died. The reason he was on trial was because after lots of medical treatment Emily Rose and he decided that it would be best to forgo the medical treatments and try the route of exorcism. Now what you find out during the exorcism is that it is not just one demon that has possessed this girl but 6 and one of them is the devil himself Lucifer. Well the exorcism fails and at the end of the movie Emily says that "The Holy Mother", a catholic term for Mary the mother of Jesus, spoke to her and said that her suffering was all for the glory of God.

Now that was the very condensed version and you really should see the movie to understand better but at the end of the movie Crystal hit me with a question that I have never even thought about. Can demons possess people?

Now to start to figure this out we first must ask the question "Do demons exist?" Now I am the kind of person that likes to deal with facts and facts alone. But my facts are what I hope are biblically based so some who read this might not share my evidence but this is my post and my blog so deal with it! First I recognize the existence of God. Seeing that I believe in God then I also have to believe in his counter-positive Satan(aka "tha Devil"). I also believe that God has angels, Satan was an angel before his fall, and that satan took some of these angels with him and they became his minions(aka demons). So with this group of facts I guess I would say that I believe that demons are real so the first part of the question is answered Yes.

Now I also believe that Christ will not rule this earth until his second coming and I also believe that the Satan is "the Prince of this world" this he has some bearing on what is happening in this world. That is not to say that God isn't fully in control so you Baptist out there hold on to your pants. So the next question that was posed logically was, seeing that God is in ultimate control, would God allow someone to be possessed?

My first thought immediately was no! When I accepted Jesus Christ in my heart I was given the gift of the Holy Spirit(part of the holy trinity) to live in my heart and to be my helper in this world. With the Holy spirits presence in my life I couldn't be possessed because it would seem to be completely against the fact of the holy spirit living in me. Seemed pretty logical except two facts. One: God allowing thing to happen to his people so that the end result would be his glory. Two: What about people who don't have the gift of the Holy Spirit. This is where I am stuck and torn. If you have any insight in to this please respond because I am searching.

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