Sunday, October 30, 2005

Back to Wisdom

Back to Wisdom

Well I thought I had run out of thoughts on the Wisdom/Knowledge discussion but Troy Dobbs spoke an amazing sermon this morning that rocked my world a little bit. Troy was in Matthew 7:24-27. It is where Jesus is speaking and says, “Let he who hears these words I teach and puts them in to practice is like the wise man who build his house on the rock.  Most people just know of this parable as the story of the wise verses the foolish. But if you only think about it as a story you really miss the point of what Jesus is saying. Never are the words of our Christ to be taken lightly. Troy said let us take the word house and put life in its place. This would bring about a whole new meaning to this would it now.  The key to all this is still the “variable of ‘puts them in to practice’”.

     Two things from all this you can gather about the wise. First: The wise hear the words of our Lord and apply them to their lives.  It doesn’t say that the wise hear the words and debate them. It doesn’t say the wise hear the words and say this is how I would apply them. It says, “He who puts these words in to practice is like a wise man....” I am the worst at hearing a sermon, song, or bible study and saying well I don’t agree with this part of it or that part of it. Now not to say that this is a bad thing BUT it is a bad thing if it keeps us from “hiding thy word in my heart o Lord so that I might not sin against thee.”  Far too often I don’t remember certain things I am taught because I am to busy saying what I think about them and because of this satan takes them away from me.  I can hear some people now saying, “Why would I store something away in my heart that I don’t understand or agree with.” Let me answer that one. WE DON’T KNOW IT ALL AND NEVER WILL.  We are always learning something new and learning new perspectives on the things we have already learned. If we aren’t growing and learning more about our Lord each day then we are truly seeking after God’s own heart because none of us know it all.

     Second: The wise are not with out storms. Just because we put our “lives” on the rock doesn’t mean we are going to be without storms.  The wise understand this fact and they absorb the storm instead of letting it blow them down. It is too easy and we are taught to some extent that you can “cast your burdens on Jesus” and everything will be fine. Well this is true but at the same time just because we cast them on Christ doesn’t mean we won’t have others later.  

     So hear again I have learned something about being wise. Sometimes we may not understand all we are taught by the elders but they are our elders for a reason and sometimes we should just apply their teachings, seeing that they are teaching the words of our Lord, to our lives and learn the wisdom of their teachings as we go thru this world.

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