Sunday, October 16, 2005

on the move

Well my wife and I have bought a house and this past week and a half has been crazy trying to get ready and the next week and a half will be the same so i have made a decision to cancel my study into knowledge and wisdom and just log a little everyday about what I am doing. I will make one comment on wisdom and knowledge....They are different and the thing I desire most is to learn all the knowledge I can so that as i grow older I can turn this knowledge in to wisdom.
Today is crazy. We have just about everything packed up and I am going to help the people we bought the house from move their riding mower at 6 tonight and we get the keys to the house at that point. Crystal and I have a big night ahead of us because we have to pick paint colors tonight so we can buy them in the morning. I am going to send her to Home Depot while I go and get a trailer and some other things so we can get started tomorrow getting everything ready for the move this coming weekend. We will be sleeping at our new house starting tomorrow and will be sleeping on an air mattress for a couple days until our new bedroom arrives on Wednesday. Well that is a brief explanation of what is going on here and that is all I got to say.

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