Friday, November 04, 2005

Stupid Californians at it again

"Hear, my son, your father's instructions and do not forsake your mother's teachings;" (Proverbs 1:8). I believe this verse sums up the main source of our knowledge. Our parents are our prime source of instruction. This is not discounting anything our schools are teaching. Nor is this to discount the things our heavenly Father provides in the way of knowledge. He provided us with THE WORD so it again goes back to God.

I want to talk a little about this because of something I saw on the news this morning. On the today show they spoke about a school district in California that gave a survey to their students in the range of 10- 15 years of age and ask them questions about sex, self gratification, and homosexuality. The parents of some of the students where up in arms and do you blame them. It is not the right of the school to teach our kids about sex. That is the right and OBLIGATION of the parents. The court ruled on the side of the school saying that the, get this, parents aren't the only source of teaching that students should be exposed too. I agree with this statement but hello these kids are 10 years old. My father didn't have the birds and bees conversation with me until I was starting to become a man.

Yet again this shows where our knowledge and wisdom should come. I mean look at what the worlds knowledge is giving our kids. "Hey you are ten years old it is time to talk about masturbation and the use of condoms!"Sorry I had to vent a little about this

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