Thursday, December 22, 2005

The Reason for the Season

Well folks it is that time of year again when we Christian's have to make a decision. The decision is one that is a tough one. To celebrate christmas as a secular holiday or as a religious holiday. To many people, Christians included, tend to lose their focus around the holiday with all the food and presents. Even if you are secular a reason to celebrate is the opportunity to gather with our loved ones. As a Christian I believe the reason we celebrate Christmas is to celebrate the birth of our Lord Christ Jesus. That is my purpose for this season. Now there have been times in my life that I lost focus of the reason but this year it has been weighing heavy on my heart. I love my family and I love presents but this year I am going to remember that the reason that I can celebrate is because Christ was born, died, and resurected for you, me and everyone in the world. To everyone reading this column have a blessed Christmas and remember to say a prayer of thanksgiving to God for the mercy he showed us on the cross and the opportunity to celebrate this holiday that we have.

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