Monday, November 14, 2005

Wisdom and Knowledge (Final)

Wisdom and Knowledge final

I have been investigating the difference in these two things for some time now and have finally heard a quote that really stuck in my mind and I feel it is a great explanation of what both of these gift from God are.
     “Knowledge is the collective sum of all the things in our lives we learn . Wisdom is the ability to decipher this knowledge and apply for the good of humanity.”

Before someone ask no I don’t exactly remember where the quote is from but you can be sure I am not a smart enough man to come up with something this profound.  I would leave it at that except anyone who knows me knows that I can’t do that.

So why is do I think this is the best quote. My definition of Knowledge is basically the same definition as the first sentence of this quote but the second sentence I find very fascinating. “Wisdom is the ability to decipher this knowledge and apply it for the good of humanity”. This beckons the question can you have wisdom with out applying it for the good of humanity? No because God is the author of wisdom and he loves his creation enough that he died for it(John 3:16).  Some one is going to say, “Well God does allows things to happen sometimes that don’t appear to be for the betterment of humanity.” To this I have one scripture reference that I think words it best. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isa 55:9)

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