Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Knowledge and/or Wisdom

Intersting title huh. This is something I have been struggling with for sometime and I bet that most of us have. Think back to to thirteen...Teenage years. I knew it all. I didn't need my parents, my coach, my pastor. I was in control of my own life and didn't need their knowledge of the world to get by. Ok let us break down my last statement. I said knowledge because when you are in high school all you are getting is head knowledge. Most of the "life applications" you need you can learn from your early years of life. For example don't stick your finger in the light socket, don't touch a hot stove, Listen when someone talks, etc. Everything else in the world is head knowledge.

Let us skip a little forward to college. This 4 years, or in some cases 10 years, of our lives is the most knowledge based thing we will probably ever go thru in our lives. What do they tell you on every college application. We are preparing you for your FUTURE! I went head over heals for this even though I didn't get good grades. But i learned a lot of head knowledge about my skills, trades, self, and my God.

So why am I ranting about head knowledge. Well I have been out of school now for almost 2 years. In these two years I have learned so much that I can't even begin to sum it all up. But the lessons I have learned have been in how much wisdom I really don't have. So people want to use Wisdom and Knowledge as the same. Most in the world want to do away with "wisdom" because everyone is equal and can and do have the same wisdom. Well I don't and will not agree with that. SO to truly understand this fact for the next few post I am going to be discussing Wisdom and Knowledge. I will leave this post with this little bit of insight i found in my bible

INSIGHT:"To have knowledge is to have understanding of information about something. To have wisdom is to have the ability to apply knowledge to daily life."

I think this is probably the greatest quote I have heard on this topic. This quote will be the source for my discussion as i am going to break down this insight word by word. Please post and let me know what you think on this topic or if you have any questions we all can see if we can figure it out.

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