Thursday, June 29, 2006

I am in Shock

I had heard on the news that a vaccination had been found to prevent HPV. If you don't know HPV is a sexually transmitted disease that "can" cause cancer. Ok I understand the want to prevent cancer but this is absolutely crazy. I have a sure fire way that will prevent the spread of this type of cancer. It is call don't have sex if you aren't married and if you are going to then at the least don't have unprotected sex PERIOD. This vaccine is 99% effective, well with abstinence or not having unprotected sex is 100% effective. Now I would not be on a soap box about this except for one thing. The government "could" make this a requirement for all girls and boys who wish to be admitted in to public schools!!!! So we have gone past the diseases that kill themselves, such as polio, to required vaccinations for things that "can" turn in to a disease that kills! The government would be over stepping its bounds if it required this for kids. See this article below if you are interested in this at all.

HPV Article

** Addition to Original Post **
I best be stating something about this post. I am not against a vaccination that will help with the reduction in cancer but what I am against is the government telling me that my kids, when I have them some day, they have to have this vaccine because they "will" be having sex. I hope and pray that my children will adhere to the teaching of Jesus Christ and keep themselves pure and holy for the spouse that God has put on this earth for them. It is my responsibility to teach them this lesson and do all in my power to prevent harm from coming to them. What requiring this vaccination will do for parents is undermine the lessons they are trying to teach with regards to purity and holiness. Do I not have a right to not have my authority undermined by the government? Please if you read this start a little fire in your circles about this....

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