Thursday, February 26, 2009

men don't need instructions....

Well I gotta tell a story on myself. If you can't laugh at this one there is just something wrong with you. So some of you have children and you understand this but it wasn't something i expected. We started feeding Sawyer rice cereal about 3 -4 weeks ago. We thought that he was getting hungry at night so we started with that. He didn't take to it right away and we didn't really know what we are doing so it took time but starting last week he started taking it well and then over the course of the weekend he took off with it and by Monday night he had taken about 2 1/2 tblspoons. That is a good meal for a little guy. Well we had notices his dirty diapers had slowed down but as we got to thinking we realized that he had not had a dirty since Saturday and it was Tuesday. Poor guy was backed up! So my wife being the loving woman she is bought some apple prun juice to give him to "clean out the pipes" which we tried on Tuesday night. Well he didn't take to it to well but when I got home on Wednesday after work I decided that I would give him a little more. Now two things need to be said here....

1) Crystal had not informed me he had a dirty diaper that morning at the baby sitters house.

2)Now when I decided to get the juice for him i reached in the frige, grabbed the tiny bottle of juice, poured it in his bottle and feed away. Did I read the package....NO. Well Sawyer proceed to take down about 1 oz of apple prun juice by the time Crystal got back from the gym. So I informed her that he had taken about 1 oz. Now much to my surprise I did not get a thank you or a that is nice I got a question....

Crystal ..."Did you add any water to the juice?"
Brandon, ..."No why would I do that?"
Crystal, ... "Because it was concentrate....."

So in summary my son sucked down 1 oz of concentrated apple prun juice. Needless to say I was greeted this morning at 7:40 with a nice smelly surprise. I apparently flushed him out like an oil change on a car.


Josh Neikirk said...

"I apparently flushed him out like an oil change on a car."

Atta way ta git 'r dun!

Rice Cereal: $4.00
Pack of diapers: $12.00
Small bottle of prune juice concentrate: $5.00

Completely cleaning out your child by forgetting to add water to the prune juice: PRICELESS!

Brandon said...

ROFLMAO.....guess I deserve that one. This comment will forever be in the archives as the funniest one ever!