Monday, October 02, 2006

Part 2

Its seems as though I have made some people upset with my previous post about Religion and Politics. Maybe I took to harsh a tone or something like that but I get really upset at people in this country who want to take the history of this country out of context. I believe context in all situations has to be taken in to account or else history is not relevent.

Now to those people I might have upset with my comments I am sorry. My frustration should not have been so openly seen or "heard" thru this blog. My justification for my points is the fact that to many christians worry about what the federal, state, or local government is doing and no worrying enough about there own walk with the Lord Jesus. That is bearing false witness when we aren't living what we profess yet we expect other too vie legislation and governmental laws.
All i can think about with reference to this is the laws of the old testament and that bugs me. Jesus fulfilled the law not created more of it. Either way I hope this post clears up a few things.

I pray that all who read this and know me know that my desire in life is to be living sacrifice for Christ Jesus. I hope that my perspective is pure and that I put Christ first in my life, others second, and myself third. I shall do as the law of the land is set before me. I will vote, pay my taxes and obey the laws of this wonderful country and I hope that I become an example of Christ in this world with out having to become "aligned with one political or governmental view".

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